Kampong Ku Radio
People, Southeast Asian, Media

Kampong Ku Radio has been on the air since March 1997. Kampong Ku translates as "my village" in the Malay language. The weekly show originates from Toronto on AM1430 and is aired in Vancouver on AM1470 and in Calgary on FM94.7. Kampong Ku can easily be accessed on the internet by going to www.fairchildradio.com at the times listed at www.kampongku.com.
The objective of Kampong Ku is to serve the people of Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia with that "kampung", or, the closeness of the village feeling of the culture. There are no other media in Canada or the United States that promotes this heritage and the use of Bahasa Melayu - the Malay language. The Malay language is the language that predominates. However, to best serve the listeners and guests, Bahasa Indonesia and English are often used. Bahasa Melayu Brunei has been used occasionally.
It is with this unique position in the community that Kampong Ku Radio began an in-house cultural centre in March 2003 in Toronto. Original audio and visual material and some artifacts are on display. Access is available on Thursday evenings between 5 to 9pm.
The Executive Producer and registered business owner of Kampong Ku is Ms. Malar "Mira" Rajaram, a Malaysian citizen from Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan with permanent residence status in Canada. Kampong Ku is essentially self-financed, with some local sponsoring to offset costs. Kampong Ku purchases broadcast time from Fairchild Radio, and this lease is renewable annually. All content aired is documented with the relevant Canadian broadcasting authorities.
"Cutting edge" life issues, general interest, entertainment, sports, performing arts, history, culture, latest news, religion, social justice, life sciences, editorial/political commentary and local humour are many of the topics covered on Kampong Ku. Music features Malay language songs from Malaysian, Singaporean and Indonesian artists with the occasional ethnic songs during festival season.
Kampong Ku continues to have the privilege of interviewing many dignitaries, politicians, business professionals, academics and officials from around the region and North America. However, the priority for the volunteer staff of Kampong Ku is to encourage people to share their life experience through the promotion of cultural and business events, and by assisting those in need. Translation and employment needs are also offered through Kampong Ku Radio.
Kampong Ku has made appearances on Radio Televysen Malaysia (RTM) radio/television, and has been featured in The Star, Bernama (Malaysian State News Agency) and Utusan Malaysia newspapers. In Singapore, Kampong Ku has collaborated with Ria/Warna radio, Contact Singapore and Singapore International Foundation. There have been several interviews with Brunei students studying in Canada and with local citizens from Bandar Seri Begawan.
Please feel free to contact Kampong Ku at kampong@pathcom.com or info@kampongku.com or to visit our webpage at www.kampongku.com.