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Julian Samuel | I am a film-maker, writer and visual artist.

Picture of Julian SamuelMy documentaries on Orientalism examine the historical and contemporary relationship between the West, the Middle East and Asia. They include: 'The Raft of the Medusa: Five voices on colonies nations and histories'; 'Into the European Mirror'; 'City of the Dead and the World Exhibitions' and 'Lettres du caire'.

My recent documentaries, 'The Library in Crisis' (2002) and 'Save and Burn' (2004), look at the relationship between libraries and democracy; and 'Atheism' (2006) looks at religion and politics.

I have published: Lone Ranger in Pakistan, The Raft of the Medusa; Into the European Mirror (transcripts and commentaries); and Passage to Lahore, a novel. Radius Islamicus / Dark Interloper of the Eastern Trade is my novel-in-progess.

I was artist in residence at The Banff Center in 1993 and 1998. I have a master's degree in Fine Arts from Concordia University and have lectured at Concordia and John Abbott College in cinema and film studies.

For more information on my work, please visit

"Broken Boat" - impressionistic painting by Julian Samuel

Broken Boat
"Sky" Oil on canvas by Julian Samuel

Oil on canvas, 2008

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The project was made possible with the support of the
Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Strategy

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